Quote Originally Posted by ThomasR View Post
With the WIPs, I can see what's bothering me with the trees. Even though they're scattered enough they're all identical, size and all. The version with the green trees could be a part of the answer (if there is a question of course). Have you tried using the layer with the colors of the trees at a low opacity and a combination of multiply and overlay ? I think it may end up in the same color scheme as the rest of the map and add some variety to the trees. That's my twocents and it might be worth only two cents ... might
I thought the deadline was last night.
Diamond must have partied way too hard.

I did something sort of like what you suggested Thomas.
It may have improved the map, not sure. It does add some variation to the color of the trees, at least.
The use of the clone stamp tool was a two-fold thing.
I'm still dealing with the tendinitis that developed over the last 2-3 months. So that's part of it.
The other was just a curiosity to see if I could manage to use some elements in a map that I liked.
It's not like individually drawn trees, but that wouldn't have been possible right now.

### Latest WIP ###
The Lands of Cha-uari by sirinkman.jpg