Looks really good so far but you might want to soften up the other lines so they fit more with the brushes you have used.
This is my first world map. Working on it for a game I will be running at some point shortly. I would really enjoy some comments about what I have so far and will be posting more as I progress.
Thank you!
PS. the brush used is from StarRaven for the mountains, forests and such. which can be found here --> https://starraven.deviantart.com/art...shes-198264358
Last edited by RedHeadedBx4; 12-28-2017 at 01:30 AM.
Looks really good so far but you might want to soften up the other lines so they fit more with the brushes you have used.
I was thinking about doing that. Well either that or finding a different set of brushes that are a little sharper. Do you by any chance have a suggestion for brushes with a similar style?
If you check the mapping elements sub forum on here there are ton of brush sets you can explore there.
Very nice! I really like the way you have done the mountains so far. They look pretty natural and very nice. Mountains are my biggest pain in the universe and I like to really compliment people who have a good sense of mountain making and placement.
Thank you for the comments. I showed my map to a friend of mine and they said that the brush i used for grasslands, looks more like swamps... What is your thoughts, and if you agree, any suggestion to fix the issue?
Yeah it does look a bit swampy maybe, but not horribly so. It's probably the horizontal strokes. But seriously, it's not by any means a serious issue. I'm more concerned about the thickness of your coastline stroke, which is way fatter than the strokes of your other mapping elements. It kinda gives the map this inverted feeling, like the seas are the landmasses and the mountains and forests kinda look dropped-in instead of rising up from the paper... it's not terrible, but maybe going for a thinner stroke (and even a slighty greyish one instead of the stark black you have now) would look better.
Still, even with that fat stroke it's a great map, and a pleasure to look at. Good job!
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