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Thread: How to import png files to CC3

  1. #11


    I have re-read this entire thread, and can now see that I have omitted several useful and important pieces of information.

    Firstly, CC3+ can only 'see' textures that are .png files. If you have downloaded textures meant for general use between different apps from one of my folders and they are .jpg files, then you will need to convert them to png files before you can use them in CC3+. Some of the larger textures I have uploaded to my free textures albums are in fact .jpg files to make them small enough in terms of MBs to upload here at the Guild.

    Secondly - yes, you just have to save the acquired or home made fills as .png files in the folder you have created as described above to be able to import them by the method described in the comment immediately above this one

  2. #12
    Guild Member Chronist's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2017


    and again thnk you soooo much. your descripton is super
    it worked perfect.
    Floor Test.jpg

  3. #13


    That's great - thanks for letting me know

    I hope you have fun using them.

    In addition to the information I have already given you, I should probably point out that you will need to import the fills into each map where you want to use them. You just won't need to create other resolutions each time after you've already done it the first time.

    Also, it is best to keep your fills in many small subfolders rather than one very large one, since the more fills you have loaded into each map, the slower the app will perform. If your fills are in small subfolders you can be more precise about which fills you import into your map to maintain CC3+ performance at an optimum.


    Moving on to how to properly import and use home made or acquired .png symbols...

    Although this video is now pretty old, the technique hasn't changed very much, if at all. So instead of me faffing around writing a whole set of comparatively amateur instructions and taking ages to create all the screen shots you might need, I would strongly recommend watching Joe Sweeney's "Creating custom symbols from imported pngs"

    For further watching I would also recommend browsing through all his video tutorials.

    There are also a lot of other CC3+ tutorials available on YouTube, and many links from the sticky thread at the top of the Profantasy Forum.

    Enjoy your mapping, Chronist

  4. #14
    Guild Member Chronist's Avatar
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    Dec 2017


    I will ;-) can´t thank you enough for your time

  5. #15


    You're very welcome.

    I'm just glad that it worked for you without any hitches

  6. #16
    Publisher Mark Oliva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chronist View Post
    in my case it looks like this -H:\ProFantasy\CC3Plus\Bitmaps\Tiles\Textures ...subfolders will follow
    I'm not sure what you want to do in combination with what you already have done. When you install CC3+, you create two new folders (directories, Deutsch Ordner):

    C:\Programs (x86)\Profantasy\CC3Plus\ - The program itself is there.

    (Chosen Location)\Profantasy\CC3Plus\ - The data, including symbols and fills are here.

    In most cases, Chosen Location = C:\ProgramData\

    If you install CC3+ as recommended by the installation program, your data folder will be:

    C:\ProgramData\Profantasy\CC3Plus\, but the CC3+ installation program does give you the opportunity to pick a different location.

    Based upon your comment (above), I assume - perhaps incorrectly - that you chose your own location, specifically:


    That's fine. It's no problem.

    You cannot set up CC3+ so that you have two different data folders. However, you can do as Mouse appears to want to do and change that location. If I understand Mouse correctly, she would like to move her data folders to an external drive to free space on Drive C. That's no problem:

    1. Close CC3+ if it's open.

    2. Move your data folders to the new location.


    3. Go into C:\Programs (x86)\Profantasy\CC3Plus\ and use the Windows Notepad (in the German version, Windows Editor) to open the file @.ini.


    4. Change the entry in this file to the new location and save the changed file. In the sample above, the new location is:


    It appears to me that Mouse has answered the remaining questions, but if not, let us know what you still need.

    Last edited by Mark Oliva; 01-07-2018 at 01:36 AM.
    Mark Oliva
    The Vintyri (TM) Project

  7. #17
    Guild Member Chronist's Avatar
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    Dec 2017


    Thnx Mark thats sounds extrem helpful also if u work on two computers and if u want to tell CC3 where your textures and symbols are.
    That would be one of my expert questions anyway. I have two place where I want to work on the same map, in my case the data files don´t have
    the same location, say on the one Computer it´s H:\ProFantasy\CC3Plus\: and on the other it´s E:\ProFantasy\CC3Plus\ both Computer run the Programm
    in C:\Programs (x86)\Profantasy\CC3Plus\ .
    So what I have to do after Copy all my sampels in the right place, i have to tell CC3 where to find them by "3. Go into C:\Programs (x86)\Profantasy\CC3Plus\
    and use the Windows Notepad (in the German version, Windows Editor) to open the file @.ini."
    same if i use a portable hard drive.
    did I understood it right?

  8. #18
    Publisher Mark Oliva's Avatar
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    Altershausen, Northern Bavaria


    Right. You have two computers.

    The @.ini file of Computer No. 1 needs to identify the location of the files on Computer No. 1. That would be H:\ProFantasy\CC3Plus\.

    The @.ini file of Computer No. 2 needs to identify the location of the files on Computer No. 2. That would be E:\ProFantasy\CC3Plus\.

    Servus, und schönen Sonntag!
    Last edited by Mark Oliva; 01-07-2018 at 03:15 AM.
    Mark Oliva
    The Vintyri (TM) Project

  9. #19


    Thank you, Mark

    That was most helpful.

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