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Thread: Sorantis (personal project)

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  1. #1
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
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    Mar 2007
    The High Desert


    It's a very pretty map, especially at lower detail. I think the major flaw with it is that there is too much detail on the full version (especially on the mountains). The lower third of the map by itself is spectacular (as is the left third). The middle field of mostly-mountains has too much curly detail for my visual system to process at once, which makes it appear to "crawl" as my eye wobbles around to try to look at individual pieces of the mountains. The monochrome version doesn't have as much detail and my eye doesn't have the same problems with it (and the cropped version with the brown mountains doesn't bother me, either) . I suspect that it's a contrast issue which stems from lack of white space.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by waldronate View Post
    It's a very pretty map, especially at lower detail. I think the major flaw with it is that there is too much detail on the full version (especially on the mountains). The lower third of the map by itself is spectacular (as is the left third). The middle field of mostly-mountains has too much curly detail for my visual system to process at once, which makes it appear to "crawl" as my eye wobbles around to try to look at individual pieces of the mountains. The monochrome version doesn't have as much detail and my eye doesn't have the same problems with it (and the cropped version with the brown mountains doesn't bother me, either) . I suspect that it's a contrast issue which stems from lack of white space.
    W said it pretty well, I agree with pretty much every point he made. There's an overall feeling of restlessness that I assume probably wasn't what you were going for. I still think there is a lot of value to this piece, even if it wasn't what you had in mind. Especially the more subtle elevation point around Panthra looks fantastic. To me, it seems like perhaps less would be more in this style... Maybe try a little more straighter lines next time with the mountains and such? Can't say for certain, but that's my first instinct here. The landshape is also great. And man alive, I love that compass rose design to pieces!

    Keep at it! With your mad skill for penmanship in general, I look forward to seeing more experiments with this more top-down style of map! I'm sure you'll be nailing that and leaving me gnawing at my keyboard in envy once more in no time

    Edit: Can't seem to be able to rep you right now, but the map is deemed well-worthy of it nonetheless!
    Last edited by Kellerica; 01-14-2018 at 01:37 PM.
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