Quote Originally Posted by Voolf View Post
This is HUGE John. It is gonna be incredible when finished
Thanks Voolf
Quote Originally Posted by tainotim View Post
Amazing work so far! Agree with Voolf. Can't wait to see this finished!

Thank you Karl
Quote Originally Posted by Greg View Post
Blooming heck John, you really are mad!

Can't wait to see it completed, it's gonna be an absolute stunner.
Hehe, I am. Thanks Greg.
Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
There's going to be a fight over who gets to nominate this one next year
No fighting... waggles finger...
Quote Originally Posted by Diamond View Post
Adding superlative #4659, yada yada yada.
It looks fantastic, man.
Thanks D
Quote Originally Posted by Ilanthar View Post
Gaaaaah !!!... Me want this!

I forgot to mention, but I'm also very fond of your labels... they have some suggestive sound, somehow.
My bet is that this is gonna be a winner for more than one award...
Well, not for this particular challenge, i suspect.
I might have some days left, but there is way too much left to do.
This is one of those maps that will leave me feeling tired and drained after.

anyways, need to get to bed.
### Latest WIP ###
ThalakMul 03 sample 13mid.jpg

another crop...
ThalakMul 03 sample 13crop.jpg