Quote Originally Posted by Greg View Post
Great perspective, Voolf! And yeah, it's one of those pieces that's somewhere in between the two, but kinda combines the best of both, so looking forwards to how you continue with it!

Love to see these mountain fortress type things!
True, still can't say it's a map... definately a great addition to a map though

Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
How do you do these things? That's just incredible already, Voolf!

Looking forward to watching it grow
Stop it you..., i feel like i can draw a single line and you still will be overjoyed

Quote Originally Posted by Ilanthar View Post
Oh yeah!! I love when you're testing things, Voolf. This is very promising.
Thanks !

Quote Originally Posted by Meshon View Post
Okay, so rock faces are generally really hard, I am scared of them. Everytime. Lots of lines? Just a few? How do they connect? How much do I need to show.

This map/illustration really clearly shows the mass and space of the natural rock, I am so impressed. Thanks for sharing it.

Totally get you Meshon. I am now starting the proper lines and the mountains are looking so-so. It seems like i did better job with a simple sketch. It takes me forever to do just a couple of them right.

Here is a (more or less) full sketch.
