Quote Originally Posted by Ilanthar View Post
I wasn't speaking of this challenge in particular (even if the only thing that play against you is the not finished thing). But, you know, Atlas Award and some other - more in my domain...
I understand you about the "tired & drained after". This is so huge and detailed...

Quote Originally Posted by MapMappingMapped View Post
I am so eager to see this map colored and in full glory.
BTW almost everyone who entered the challenge made those Italian sounding names as city states or islands
It's going to be a big one, not unlike Haerlech in length of time possibly.
Though i hope i can finish a bit sooner then a year.
Quote Originally Posted by MapMappingMapped View Post
BTW how do I rep a thread?
see below
Quote Originally Posted by Diamond View Post
See the little six-pointed star at the bottom of a post? If you click that, a box will open up, allowing you to leave a message and give rep.
Thanks Diamond
Quote Originally Posted by jbgibson View Post
Even though you want to finish the whole insanely comprehensive thing, maybe you could come up with a plausible design/presentation reason to only detail fully the middle part? Just for contest purposes. Maybe that's a certain collection of nations of interest "for purposes of some publication" and the rest only needs sketching into place as setting. Then finish later after your hand stops cramping.

I do NOT envy your incipient carpal tunnel syndrome! But I definitely envy your chops with the features you're drawing so nicely!
I had thought about it and was trying to finish up the core areas, but alas, it was too much to do.
So, this is the last sample for this challenge.
No, it isn't done. I'll just have to start a new wip thread after the challenge ends and keep at it.
Maybe this should be how i start patreon. idk.
I am going to try to take Waldronate's suggestion of making this a point of light sort of campaign map.
We'll see how it progresses. Thanks to all for comments and such.

### Latest WIP ###
ThalakMul 03 sample 23mid.jpg