Hey folks. So this is a map for a fantasy world I and my brother have been working on. FYI, later on this will turn into a commission request, but until then I'll be playing with cartography because it's kinda fun. In my intro post, folks said they wanted to see what I had crafted, so I posted them. Then someone suggested throwing it in an official WIP thread. Hence this. I can't promise any frequent updates, but this activity is enjoyable so I imagine I shall play with it further.

This was the starting concept.
Attachment 104159

This was step two using this as a step by step to learn how to use Photoshop and Illustrator better.
Attachment 104157

I have only the barest understanding of how I am even still alive at this point in my existence, so asking me nuanced questions about the process will likely result in "uh I don't know". However, I'm more than willing to say as much, so any questions ya may have I'll field. I'm also open to suggestions to improve my ability to draft maps(I was going to say "cartograph", but a quick google gave me a better verb).