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Thread: dd3: How can i copy from one map to another?

  1. #1
    Guild Member Chronist's Avatar
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    Dec 2017

    Default dd3: How can i copy from one map to another?

    A new question is comin up during my work progress on the Guild house
    I changed the outside Floor in the First Floor Map and now I want to copy or import the same Floor structur to my Ground floor so it looks the same ;-).
    Can I copy the sheet some how?

    thnx for the help ;-)

  2. #2


    Hey Chronist

    You can't copy it all in one go, but you can do it in the following stages:

    1. Create a new sheet with an appropriate name.
    2. Copy the objects on the original sheet to the new one by right clicking the hourglass button and picking 'Copy to sheet' (I think that's what its called - can't look at the moment since I'm logged in to Linux and can't open CC3 to see it first hand)
    3. In the sheet effects box, copy the effects on the original sheet and paste them in the new sheet.

    If this is the walls you are talking about that should do the trick. If its separating the floors that you are talking about - remember that you need to alternate them between the two sheets a bit like a chequerboard pattern to make sure that none of them are touching on either sheet. You may even need 3 sheets if you are trying to separate the floors from each other. I once had a particularly awkward floor design where because of a central room I had to use three sheets to separate them all from each other.

    I hope that helps?

    EDIT: PS - with the new sheet designed to cast shadows hidden underneath the floors (the entire building shadow), you will also need to copy all the windows and outside doors, or the building outline will be incomplete.
    Last edited by Mouse; 02-07-2018 at 03:11 PM.

  3. #3
    Guild Member Chronist's Avatar
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    Dec 2017


    and thnx again what I wanted to do is, you know my Guild House Garden - it looks like:
    old Garden 1.jpg
    I saved it in my Ground Floor Map and in my First Floor Map. Now as i worked on the First Floor MAp i thought that the Garden could be a little be more exotic becouse the Guild House is in a more carribean area, so i changed the garden on the First Floor Map into this:
    New Garden 1.jpg
    but because it is the MAP for the 1 floor, I want of course that the garden in the ground floor MAP looks exactly the same. thats why I want to copy all the trees and other details to the Ground Floor MAp.

  4. #4



    Like I say I'm on Linux at the moment and can't try this out, but I THINK this should work:

    1. Make a backup copy of your ground floor map.
    2. Delete all the sheets that are different (complete with all their objects) from the Ground floor map.
    3. Open the First Floor map (have both open at the same time)
    4. Hide all the sheets in the FF map except the ones that you want to copy. And by that I mean everything else - including the frame/border/background etc.
    5. Go to Edit/Copy in the menu
    6. Select everything you have left and 'do it'
    7. Enter "0,0" from your keyboard when prompted for an origin in the command line

    That should effectively copy the whole lot with an origin of 0,0

    1. Then go back to the GF map and go to Edit/Paste
    2. (this will give you everything that you copied floating around on your cursor)
    3. Instead of clicking anywhere, Type in "0,0"

    I'm hoping that by pasting objects this way the missing sheets will be automatically regenerated to accept the pasted items. It might not work (which is why I said to make a backup copy of the GF file), but if it does those sheets will probably need to be moved into their proper place once the paste has been completed.

    And now... I'm really crossing my fingers and hoping I've got it right!

  5. #5
    Guild Member Chronist's Avatar
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    Dec 2017


    thank you so much ;-)

    I'll tell you tomorrow if it worked

  6. #6


    It might only paste them onto the current sheet. If it does that close the modified GF map and open the original GF map - the one with all the sheets still intact, and delete only the objects on those affected sheets and not the entire sheet.

    Then copy the contents of each sheet separately from the FF map again and transfer it across one sheet at a time. It will take a bit longer, but since I think you only have 2-3 sheets involved it shouldn't be too complicated.

    The key thing to remember is to use 0,0 as both the copy and paste origin by typing it into the command line each time. That way, however you do it, the objects will be pasted in exactly the same place relative to the rest of the map.

  7. #7
    Guild Member Chronist's Avatar
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    Dec 2017


    Mouse you saved my Day again, can i give you some Legendary Points for helping? i start to understand that the Guild would not be the same without you

    the only confusing point for me was point 3 Open the First Floor map (have both open at the same time)
    Whenever I open a map, the map I am working on automatically closes. a popup window opens "cc3: Save Changes to: E: \ ..." and than the map close - so far I could not work on two maps at the same time or minimize one of them. But fine, it worked anyway, I think CC3 keeps the copy in memory.


  8. #8


    Your very welcome, Chronist - a delight to help - always polite, patient with my ramblings (which can sometimes be a bit misleading or even plain wrong), and willing to give anything a decent try

    You are right - when you copy anything in CC3 its stored on the clipboard, so you can open the second file and allow the first to close as a result of opening it, but it takes longer and is a bit more fiddly that way.

    I'm sorry - I clean forgot to add in the instructions how to open more than one CC3 file at once. All you do is double click the second file you want to open. This causes a second instance of the app to start up, so you have two instances of CC3 open at the same time

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