Hello fellow world-builders! Just a quick shout out to introduce myself.

A long time SF&F fan, role player, and amateur world-builder, I've been working on a passion project over the last year, mostly jotting down ideas and things, building the story before starting to worry about the map. But the time has come, and I'm going to need the help of the amazingly creative and knowledgeable folks on this site!

I'll be making a post in the R/WM sub but I'll give you a little taste now: This is a modern(ish) urban setting, an AU where the oldest neighborhood in the U.S. city of Philadelphia is on an island in the Delaware River. In reality, this island is deserted, but in my AU it is a dense little urban nugget just off Philly's shores.

Like I said, more to come, just wanted to say hello and looking forward to building with you all!