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Thread: Ki'Bair a desert city, need suggestions

  1. #11
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    It looks pretty good!

    You could have a river nearby, it doesn't have to go through the city.

  2. #12


    well this is usually when i stop cos i have no idea where to take it. what are all the things, like compass and key, do maps have? i am trying to make it as complete as possible.

  3. #13


    I think I listed most of the things a map generally has before - labels or a key, compass, scale - the map itself.

    I think your map is fine the way it is. I don't really see what you mean by it being disorganised, but I fully understand the drive to make things as good as you can.

    I don't think any of us ever end up with what we planned when we started - not even the big boy pros. A lot of art is down to accident and coincidence. Sometimes I get the feeling that I'm not really in control of any of my maps. I'm just making decisions about which of the accidents I want to keep, and which I don't like.

    EDIT: and don't get put off by apparently contradictory suggestions given by different members. The Guild is all about people who love maps feeling comfortable enough to chatter pleasantly about their myriad different views.

    And if you think about it the Guild would be a very strange place if all of us agreed at all times on every point about every map.

    Absurdly weird in fact.

    Last edited by Mouse; 02-16-2018 at 05:04 PM.

  4. #14
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Look at a few maps and you will see they have differences. Sometimes, elements like compass are not even required.
    It depends on the goal of the map. For instance, if knowing where the north is irrelevant, you don't necessary need a compass.

  5. #15


    okay thanks for the advice

  6. #16

    Default Here is the Final Outcome of my efforts

    The map of Ki'Bair has been finished I hope you all like it.
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