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Thread: Why isn't the best two dimensional global projection just two circles?

  1. #11
    Guild Artisan Charerg's Avatar
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    Feb 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post

    You believe what you want to believe.

    Its not like you're hurting anyone
    I'm not sure if this is a response to Earth being a bit fatter at the equator, but that is actually correct. The Earth is a spheroid rather than a perfect sphere. Though the difference between the equator and the poles is only 43 km, the equatorial circumference being 40 075 km (so it's ~0.1% difference).

    Though he may have been referring to latitude lines rather than the actual circumference.
    Last edited by Charerg; 02-24-2018 at 10:50 AM.

  2. #12


    Oh sorry - I was under the impression that we were trying to explain to Imp why an orthographic projection would distort distances along the lines of longitude rather than being 'most accurate in terms of being to scale'. (I am assuming, of course, that 'most accurate in terms of being to scale' means quite literally a true representation of both bearing and distance between any point A and any point B on this orthographic map).

    However, we do seem to have failed in the attempt to explain the distortion between us.

    But that's ok. I don't see why Imp can't go on believing orthographic maps are 'most accurate in terms of being to scale', while I continue to believe that they are not
    Last edited by Mouse; 02-24-2018 at 11:17 AM.

  3. #13
    Guild Artisan Charerg's Avatar
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    Feb 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    Oh sorry - I was under the impression that we were trying to explain to Imp why an orthographic projection would distort distances along the lines of longitude rather than being 'most accurate in terms of being to scale'. (I am assuming, of course, that 'most accurate in terms of being to scale' means quite literally a true representation of both bearing and distance between any point A and any point B on this orthographic map).

    However, we do seem to have failed in the attempt to explain the distortion between us.

    But that's ok. I don't see why Imp can't go on believing orthographic maps are 'most accurate in terms of being to scale', while I continue to believe that they are not
    Right, I see that I should've probably read the rest of the thread in a bit more detail before commenting. I suspect Imp is actually referring to the latitude lines when he refers to circumference. And you're correct of course that an orthogonal projection isn't inherently "more accurate".

  4. #14


    Just as you are completely correct about the Earth being a spheroid and not a sphere

  5. #15


    Maybe this Wikipedia article will help?

    EDIT: but then again maybe its just a tad on the complicated side of things. Maybe this very simple sketch I did just now will help?

    Orthographic distortion explained.jpg
    Last edited by Mouse; 02-24-2018 at 01:01 PM.

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