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Thread: My introduction and map making journey

  1. #1
    Guild Adept Neyasha's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Default My introduction and map making journey

    Hello to you all!
    After obsessively reading through this forum and looking at all the wonderful maps for weeks I finally got my courage up to register. I'm just getting back into map making and I'm also quiet self-conscious when it comes to writing in English (which is not my mother tongue).

    I come from Vienna (Austria) and started building my own fantasy world when I was around 16 years old. First I just wanted to have a background for my fantasy novels but things got out of control rather quickly.
    I've always loved drawing, so I had a lot of fun with map making. I just found some of my old, hand-drawn maps:

    Around 2004/2005 I started digital painting. I got Photoshop 7 and a small Wacom (Graphire 3) and loved working with it - although I didn't really know what I was doing and my work with PS was a lot of trial and error.

    Then three years later I just stopped drawing maps. I didn't have a lot of free time as I started writing my dissertation (never finished it btw), I wanted to concentrate on writing my novels and as I switched to a Macbook I didn't have a working version of PS any longer. My experiments with Gimp were quiet frustrating and I also gave up on worldbuilding in that time.

    Some weeks ago I started working on my fantasy world again and just didn't want to look at my old maps any longer. First I tested out some new styles and fortunately Gimp seems to have evolved a lot in the last 10 years.

    I then realised that I needed a fresh start with more realistic coastlines, more realistic mountains and getting tectonics and climate ... well ... rightish.
    So that's the point where I'm now - right at a new beginning.
    I'm looking forward to dive deeper into this community and hopefully sharing experiences with you!

  2. #2
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Boonsboro MD, USA


    Welcome to the Guild, and have some rep for that great illustrated guide to your map-making journey!

  3. #3
    Guild Journeyer nopkin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2018


    Welcome, Neyasha! Those hand-drawn maps look really great!

  4. #4
    Guild Apprentice
    Join Date
    Jan 2018


    Wooooow these are amazing! Both the old hand drawn ones and the newer digital ones. I think we have lots in common, I started a big sprawling story world at 16 too and it's still going (but my old maps don't look half as nice as yours). I'm glad you posted these and I hope we'll get to see more.

  5. #5
    Guild Adept Neyasha's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    Thanks a lot for your comments! I have to admit I was quiet surprised when looking at my hand-drawn maps - I still like the style although they are several years old (normally I can't look at my old pictures ...). But some of the rivers don't make any sense.

    @Kalium: Oh, that's really cool! So your world is also background for your writing?

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