Thanks a lot everyone!
I wasn't sure the coastlines are not too much detailed for a world map.

@Thomas : three lands? There are 7 continents with the new polar one, but I guess you're talking about the 3 vertical couples, I guess. The setting is going as far as a techno-magical pseudo 19th century, so I plan to do a top-down map again, but with better details. I think I may reverse the process and go from bottom to top (regions to continent to world...).

@Kalium : thanks! I may begin by local maps, actually.

@Eilathen : so, you're not rejecting the new version? Cool! There will be some (necessary) similarities with the lands, but I will underline more the special and fantastic features if I can.

@Kacey & Walin : thanks for liking the new land shapes, that's reassuring .

And... I actually took time to develop more the system view... Not done yet, but some steps done.
YlleionLjos SysSketch.jpeg
Don't hesitate to critic!