Okay, I spent a bunch more time on it.



- Completely re-generated the coast using generated clouds and a hard mix. It's not at least a little bit rougher.
- Added a a few teeny islands out in the ocean.
- Added some brooks and streams -- the river looked a tad unnatural at this scale with just two forks.
- Smudged the water texture under the rivers so it wouldn't look like a continuation of the ocean.
- Stroked in a little whitewater on the largest river using a soft brush on a low flow.
- Moved the town of Pendale slightly north -- it was too close to the bottom edge for my taste before.

That took ... well, long enough that I got through both The Mummy and The Mummy Returns in the background.I think it helped, though.

Sucker's getting big. The full PSB file is almost 4 GB. The versions I'm uploading here are only 33% the size of the original.