Quote Originally Posted by Abu Lafia View Post
Realized i haven't uploaded some of the maps i made the last months. The first two are somewhat related to the futuristic universe inhabited (among others) by the notorious but charming space pirates Archie and Salazar.

Boocanyr Encampment.jpg

Dusty Freehaven.jpg

The third one was inspired by reading into Monte Cook's world of Numenera. A strange device from another age.


EDIT: found another one... number 5 of Mapvember (well, maybe next year i get at least 10 pieces done ) It was thought as a kind of response to Meshons fantastic illustration of "Salazar's Ghost"


Hope you enjoy!

Oh my, I'm months behind, how did I miss these? Wonderful work. I'm really excited to see some Numenera inspired maps, the Ninth World is full of cartographic possibilities

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