Round 1 - Go....
Quote Originally Posted by Francissimo View Post
The problem with real world map is that people get used to stuff like google maps, they forget doing a map from scratch is a damn long work
This is true. I also think a lot of clients are making a comparison between general illustration and map making, which, with real world subjects, is more akin to technical illustration - more time consuming, exacting, and pays at a higher rate due to the accuracy involved/required. That's not to say general illustration can't be complex and time consuming.
Quote Originally Posted by Voolf View Post
Great project. I love it. Even the buildings without colour seem to match everything perfectly. I guess you had fun with shading so much trees ?
Thanks Voolf Haha, yes, lots of trees... not as bad as some I have worked on though.
Quote Originally Posted by Abu Lafia View Post
Wish i could see an info map from you strolling in a park one day. It would made my day for sure The lovely detailed flowerbeds and rock formations along the river look especially spectacular on this map!
Thanks Abu
They were very particular about the landscaping being accurate, as that is one of the things the park was awarded for.
It made the process a lot more time consuming, as i had to hunt down a lot of reference that they didn't have.
Quote Originally Posted by Diamond View Post
That is pretty damn amazing, John. The painstaking amount of detail is just so well done - at no point does it overwhelm the map. You really do have some mad skills.
Thanks Diamond