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Thread: Kās

  1. #1
    Guild Member Facebook Connected Ottehcnor's Avatar
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    Wip Kās

    Hi all.
    This is my first map posted here. This is the base geographic map over which I'm going to put several different country maps through time to create a historical atlas. The name of the world - Kās - is a working title. I've done some work on the languages for the world, and this is the word in one of the three oldest languages meaning "world." Perhaps, I'll eventually change it to a more modern language, but that's a long ways off yet.

    K?s Geographic Map.jpg

  2. #2
    Guild Journeyer Guild Sponsor Arkidemis's Avatar
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    First, Welcome to the guild! I like where you're going with the map and look forward to seeing its progress. An issue that caught my eye
    was the way the coastline transitions from land to sea. You might be able to remove the black line that surrounds the land and place a fade-like effect to make it feel like the land slides into the sea more naturally.

  3. #3


    I think I recognize that map style! I love the colors and all of your squiggly bits; I'm a huge fan of wriggly maps.

    You might want to add some variation on the continental shelf shape; having it just be the boarder around the surface of the continents looks a little mechanical. Easy places to do this would be between the continent and it's barrier islands, and you could also add some "drag" shallowness at the tails of some of your land masses.

  4. #4
    Guild Member Facebook Connected Ottehcnor's Avatar
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    Thanks for the encouragement so far!

    Quote Originally Posted by Deoridhe View Post

    You might want to add some variation on the continental shelf shape; having it just be the boarder around the surface of the continents looks a little mechanical. Easy places to do this would be between the continent and it's barrier islands, and you could also add some "drag" shallowness at the tails of some of your land masses.
    I expanded parts of the shelf part particularly near barrier islands and on the tails of my continents, then I added some noise and blur to get a more random look to the edges. I think it looks much better now, thanks for your suggestion!

    Quote Originally Posted by Arkidemis View Post
    You might be able to remove the black line that surrounds the land and place a fade-like effect to make it feel like the land slides into the sea more naturally.
    I've tried a couple of different ways of blurring the coast lines more, but I haven't liked any so far. I'll keep working on it, and possibly post a few of my results for critique so I can find the best one for a more natural transition from land to sea.

    K?s Geographic Map 2.jpg
    Last edited by Ottehcnor; 03-22-2018 at 10:53 PM.

  5. #5
    Guild Member Facebook Connected Ottehcnor's Avatar
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    Here are a few of my attempts at a faded coastline. I'm partial to leaving the coastline as in the above map, but I wanted to put these out there nonetheless. I'd love to get feedback on the coastlines here as to what looks best. Also, if I could do something that I haven't tried, let me know (I'm working in GIMP, if you want to provide possible instructions).

    K?s Geographic Map Blurred Coasts 2.jpgK?s Geographic Map Blurred Coasts 1.jpgK?s Geographic Map Blurred Coasts 3.jpg

  6. #6
    Guild Journeyer Guild Sponsor Arkidemis's Avatar
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    Personally I am more partial to the blurred coast 2. Blurred coast 1 looks much softer than the original and the border doesnt look so harsh.

    The shelf looks a lot better now than before. Great job so far!

  7. #7
    Guild Member Facebook Connected Ottehcnor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arkidemis View Post
    Personally I am more partial to the blurred coast 2. Blurred coast 1 looks much softer than the original and the border doesnt look so harsh.

    The shelf looks a lot better now than before. Great job so far!
    Thanks for the encouragement!

    I suppose the next step is to start naming things (I could also do country borders, but I'm still working out the history which will decide how the borders are laid out, so I don't want to jump the gun on that). It may be a while as I work on the languages that will be used to name mountains, rivers, deserts, oceans, &c. I don't want to Ruch the languages as I started building this world in order to house the languages, so I want them to be more complete than simple naming languages. Perhaps in the meantime, I may come up with some names in English that will eventually be translated into the languages as the "real" names for places.

  8. #8
    Guild Member Facebook Connected Ottehcnor's Avatar
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    I decided instead of naming the geography - which I'm going to eventually redo once the languages are advanced enough anyway - I thought I'd use this map as a chance to play around with Azélor's tutorial for creating climate. Hopefully as I go I won't discover that I need to move all of my forests or my desert - the downside of doing this late in the process.

    I've started with a rough height map. I recognize I could have spent a lot more time on this, but I think it will be adequate for the climate process.

    K?s Height Map.jpg

  9. #9
    Guild Member Facebook Connected Ottehcnor's Avatar
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    Now I've worked out the currents. I also decided to go with a different projection, at least for this climate portion of the map. I may try to transfer the info over to my equirectangular map at some point, but for now I'll be working with this projection.

    An comments or critiques on the currents would be welcome. Pressure maps will be forthcoming.

    K?s Climate Map Currents (Robinson).jpg

  10. #10
    Guild Member Facebook Connected Ottehcnor's Avatar
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    Ok, so it took me a bit longer on the pressure maps than anticipated, classes started to pick up and so hobbies had to go on the back burner for a bit. Here are the January and July Pressure Maps. I make no promises as to when I'll get onto wind maps.

    K?s Climate Map January Pressure (Robinson).jpg

    K?s Climate Map July Pressure (Robinson).jpg

    Critiques or comments on the pressures appreciated.

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