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Thread: Hello from Harvey

  1. #1

    Default Hello from Harvey

    Some of you know me. Well, back in June I enetered the hospital. There they had to remove my right foot. Bone poisoning. I got out about a week before harvey hit Houston. I had to be rescued from my house that was under wster. Finally back home agsin. I just stopped by to say hi. It will be months before I can return. Trying to rebuild the house, going through a divorce, and moving(after rebuilding and selling the house). So hi! I will return months later. :-)
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  2. #2



    I am so sorry!

    That is just terrible, and I really feel for you, you poor thing!

    We will still be here when you get back to us. In the meantime, though, the very best of luck, and I hope things go right for you from now on

  3. #3
    Guild Master Falconius's Avatar
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    Jul 2013


    That's intense. I can only pray that you are able to fully recover in everything.

  4. #4
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Holy sh!t, man. I'm sending positive thoughts your way.

  5. #5
    Guild Expert Straf's Avatar
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    I really don't know what to say other than I sincerely hope that things start working out for you. It must be like someone hit the return to factory settings button on your life.

  6. #6


    Thanks for all of the wishes for things to get better. I decided to sell the house. Took a loss on it but doing well. I really feel sorry for whomever buys the house. It will flood again in five years. As for myself, I am now living in an apartment in Houston. I've decided to leave Texas because I just really do not want to go through another hurricane. I think I'm going to move out to the desert (like El Paso or Tucson or Las Vegas). I think the dry weather will do me a lot of good. :-) I was finally given my prosthetic leg. It is VERY hard to get up and walk around. I have to take baby steps. The leg weighs a lot (solid steel) so I take small steps. First few weeks I could only sway back and forth. But now I am able (with a walker) to go from one end of the bedroom to the other. Then I collapse on the bed for a while before trying it again. Who knew walking was so hard. You tend to forget about that when you haven't walked in over nine months. :-/

    I also managed to collapse to the floor the other day. It turned out that my left leg had fallen asleep. So when I went to get into my wheelchair I went up - and then straight down. I managed to catch myself but then decided to just let myself complete the fall. A few scraps is all I got. I was back in the wheelchair in about five minutes - but walking has been out of it for the past two days. Too sore.

    So I have managed to save up a couple of dollars for the move. I am hoping to fly out to El Paso and then Tucson, and finally to Las Vegas to check each place out. I'm sort of rooting for Las Vegas. I was out there in 1992 and it really was fantastic. Don't get me wrong. I can not stand the gambling. The lights tend to give me headaches so I think I must be somewhat epileptic. What I liked about Las Vegas was that the air was very dry (so my sinuses cleared up) and I can actually breath there. Here in Houston I have to take Zyrtec everyday. Another friend of mine is having a terrible time breathing this year.

    Anyway, doing ok right now. I am eating ok, trying to get a lot of sleep (minus when I have nightmares of being flooded), I am doing 30 sit ups every night and morning and weigh lifting also (10lb dumbbells). Then I do a little walking trying to go a bit farther every day. :-)

    Thanks again for all of the well wishes. They are helping a lot. :-)

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  7. #7


    Hope everything gets better for you.

    I'm partial to El Paso myself. Grew up just south of Houston, and have family in EP.

  8. #8


    Ok. Normally I am not drunk. But tonight, I decided to have some champagne to celebrate making it through another year. Minus a foot of course, but still alive. Ok. So I had glass and then a second and a third. I'm sorry - I really can't hold my liquour - even champagne. The room started spinning, and I made it to the starbucks area. Got a coffee and a mufflin-like thing. The lady was very nice and helped me get back upstairs to my room. I'm going to sleep now. Yeah me. I made it through another year. Not dead. Gangrene in small left toe. Had some kind of bacteria attack my left foot. Killed it with Chlorox. Then some kind of bacteria attacked me internally. Was on massive antibiotics for four months. It finally died. Now something gave me blood poisoning in my right root. No more right foot. Need rest. Haven't slept much. afraid going to sleep may mean something else attacks me. Champagne will help me sleep. Hotel brought up a seat for the bathrub so I can take a bath. They are really nice here.
    Hope everyone is having a great time. I'm about to pass out. Room spinning. Later.

    By the way, I am thinking of buying the Dell artist computer. it is $1,800.00 but allows you to orient the screen however you want. I also need to get a new high speed cpu/computer that will run Linux. I plan on using it to install DOS, Win3.1, Win95, Win98, XP, Vista, 7, 8/8.1, and 10 and then also the ][e, //gs, commodore, Atari, and others. There are emulators for all of them. I figure a 6TB disk drive will handle all of them. Then I can run whatever I want whenever I want.

    Ugh. bed time. About to collapse. Only had three glasses of champagne. Just not used to drinking. Blech...
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  9. #9


    Sounds like it's time to return the cursed artifact and break it's hold over you!

    Glad you survived it all, and hope you have a better year.

  10. #10
    Guild Expert rdanhenry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by markem View Post
    I plan on using it to install DOS, Win3.1, Win95, Win98, XP, Vista, 7, 8/8.1, and 10 and then also the ][e, //gs, commodore, Atari, and others.
    You are drunk.

    Congratulations on surviving a very rough year. I hope your luck runs (much) better in the coming time.

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