By Rdanhenry
The D&D Tarasque is very loosely (as is usual with D&D) based on an actual legendary creature. It is a monster of Provence. Making it a sea creature seems perfectly fitting with the lore. There's even a dinosaur named after the Tarasque,
Glad you find it fitting ! I learned a few things by reading those links.

By MistyBeee
Love the authentic "all by hand" feeling on this one, and the coastline is splendid !
Thanks a lot! And also for the corrections .

By ThomasR
Ravi de la voir par ici
Héhé, merci Thomas !

By Francissimo
The way you are good in completly different styles is amazing, opening one of your maps is always a surprise (and a good one) Beautifull work!
Thanks a lot! I hope I'll continue to surprise you .