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Thread: Mavayadan

  1. #1
    Professional Artist mat_r's Avatar
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    Map Mavayadan

    Hello there =)

    I didn't have anything to share in quite a while, but now I finished working on this map for a client.
    It prints rather big (18x24) so that's why some of the names might be a bit small on screen.

    Anyway, I hope you like it!


    Cartography by Matthias Rothenaicher. Portfolio: Website | DeviantArt

  2. #2


    Great map! I really like the colours and the sea - and for so many labels you've done a great job to make it so clear! I did notice a few rivers that didn't quite make sense, but, it's a commission, and fantasy

  3. #3
    Guild Adept Facebook Connected Daelin's Avatar
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    I concur: great map! I also like the ocean, both the color and the texture, it just looks very pleasant. Same for the continent itself, the forest and mountains fit quite well, and the coloring is on point.

    I not all that stoked on the labels, though. Like MapMappingMapped said, there are a lot of them, but that's actually not a negative in my opinion. I personally also put a heck and a half of labels in my maps. I do feel, though, if you want that many labels in your map, you should make them not so obtrusive. The blue and white labels, (water and land features) are fine, but the black white-bordered city labels do clutter up the map, I feel. Perhaps a smaller font size or a re-tweak of the black/white style might help? I'm also not a fan of the font type, I think something a little more "artistic" or "fantasy" might fit better? Just some food for thought.

    But overall, a really good effort, keep it up!

  4. #4


    Beautiful colours, Matthias

    I'm also a fan of the ocean, and would love to see a full size extract before I add anything to the label discussion, if at all. I find it very difficult to judge labels if the map is not to the intended scale

  5. #5
    Guild Journeyer Guild Sponsor Arkidemis's Avatar
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    I think it turned out great. I think depending on the purpose of the map, the amount of labels looks well done. I wouldn't expect that many on a navigational map or a map you would carry around with you. But for a novelty map it seems fitting.

  6. #6
    Guild Member Facebook Connected Ottehcnor's Avatar
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    I really like this map. I'm especially a fan of the way your rivers meet the ocean naturally, widening out so its hard to tell where exactly the river ends and ocean begins. I'm also a fan of the clouds around the edges, giving it a bird's eye view kind of realism.

  7. #7
    Guild Master Facebook Connected - JO -'s Avatar
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    Geneva, Switzerland


    Very detailed work ! I'm sure you spent a lot of time to this map, and your work paid of : it's a beautiful map !

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