Quote Originally Posted by Abu Lafia View Post
Oh, these are really cool. I always admired the whole artwork/design of GW. Great job grasping that 40k style and infusing it with your own here John. One can see you had your fun I love the dirtiness and messiness (orcishness?) of the places, very inspirational! Btw. the wonderful acid pond map makes my fingers itching to push some necromunda gangers around that place
Thanks Abu I have a chaos tample and an imperial spaceship with the other two maps.
Which is interesting, as I might be the first person to officially map the inside of the Imperial Navy.
I think the only other space ship interiors were from Rogue Trader maybe.
Quote Originally Posted by Arkidemis View Post
I don't know if I should thank your or not, but looking at these are making me want to bust the airbrush out and work on some of the Tau models I have yet to paint. Very much so conflicted, maps or armies?

These snippits look great, they definately has an Ork feel about them. I look forward to seeing the whole map.
Thanks Arkidemis
As I said to Abu, there will be a weird chaos temple and Imperial ship interior.
The chaos temple is weird because they had me do areas for all 4 chaos deities in one location.
But that one was really fun to do.