Thanks nopkin. I placed you there because I thought you might enjoy being in charge of the large gun placements there designed to discourage pirates and smugglers from lingering in the area
Of course, a schoolboy error! I shall write it out 100 times teachI need to adjust the way they're displayed anyway so I can make whatever corrections I need to. Are the mountains in that area OK? They are supposed to refer to a specific username on the forum. Also is peignoir rouge correctly referencing a name on the forum?
I keep forgetting all of these little definite article bits and pieces in French (and other) languages. In Romanian the definite article is usually given at the end of a word using -ul and -ele, and I never get those correct either. I tried to say "the laptop" in Romanian once and it resulted in minor hilarity because I inadvertently said a rude word. Some languages - I can't remember - don't have a distinction between definite or indefinite, but then we don't have it for proper nouns. We say "Get John on the telephone for me" but we don't say "Get the John on the telephone" presumably because "get a John on the telephone" wouldn't really be said, unless the speaker just wanted to speak to anyone called John. Language is a funny old thing
And thanks, I had a lot of fun working with these.
Cheers Greg. Well I saw a bow in the river and saw Elboe on the list so it just had to be done. Being the paranoid anxiety bag that I am, though, I've been worried that I may have done something offensive to someone.