Okay, well for those of you who don't know... I had to put my mapping on hold...again... because my laptop was fried caused, in part, by a mischievous cat, named Loki, who decided to live up to his name!

I finally got a new laptop, and it took a while for me to get cc3+ installed and back to the way I had it. But I now have it set up, and I'm taking up where I left off, with this color wash map.

I have my dessert set, and I've started in on my structures. I still haven't added my jungle region, mostly because I'm not sure where I want to put it... either between the dessert and the coast, or between the two southern mountain regions. I also need to set my color tint for the structures, but still, there is progress. So here it is, so far.

### Latest WIP ###