Quote Originally Posted by Ilanthar View Post
Very cool and dirty! I like the way you play with the light on those.
Thanks Ilanthar
It's a lot of fun messing with the light and shadow.
It started to get rather complex on the other maps.
But, once you get used to it, it's not so bad.
Quote Originally Posted by Bogie View Post
Yeah, I miss the old "Dragon" magazine. The 6 issues of "Gygax" were really nice until there were name ownership issues that pulled the plug. The editor told me he was going to publish one of my maps/adventures in the next issue that never happened. Ya never know.

Great maps John.
Thanks Bogie

Yeah, it's sad how many rights issue problems there are within the rpg industry.
So much competition for what is arguably a small industry [by comparison to most other industries].
It would be cool to see a comeback of the magazine. I'd be happy to be involved in almost any magazine like those.
Dragon, Dungeon, White Dwarf, Polyhedron, RPG, No Quarter, even ones that are more story/fiction based and possibly less game based would be cool.
Like the old pulp fiction mags. Weird Tales, Analog, Worlds of IF, Galaxy, too many to name....
There's so much awesome lost art in those mags. So hard to get a hold of.
I just always liked magazines. sigh. Old days. Old folks. ;P