Arff... There are still a lot of things that feels not "right". The cities being one of the many.

Anyway, I've followed your good counsel MistyBeee, and I spent (waaaayyy more time than I planned) to do another bigger sea pattern. There are little glitches here and there, but I've spent too much time on it already.
Since I can't decide myself about the sea color, I tried this "in between".
I've also tried a new test on land colors...
### Latest WIP ###
And I think I forgot to tell how I'm deeply in love with the tiny mappemonde & the scale ! I want to see more of them ! I want them everywhere !!
Thanks! Those I won't change and are to my liking too. I've done a new stamp for the "Compagnie des Argonautes" that I added above the Mappemonde. I won't be on this map, though.