Hehe, vent away!
I've used it, but only casually, so I'm not too familiar with its problems. I've read quite a number of comments criticising it though, so you're not alone.
The Blender Artist forums recently migrated to this and it is atrocious in so many ways. Cubebrush another site I was hanging around is also on Discourse software, and I avoid it precisely because of Discourse and the fact that Discourse is so awful. Apparently Discourse is the new 'modern' thing in forum formating. New is not synonymous with good. And whilst it does seem to have some technical advantages, they do not make up for the general obfuscation and disorganization the format seems to generate. I hate it so much.
Sorry, I just had to vent somewhere.
Hehe, vent away!
I've used it, but only casually, so I'm not too familiar with its problems. I've read quite a number of comments criticising it though, so you're not alone.
"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"
Is it worst than Stean forums?
My Deviantart: https://vincent--l.deviantart.com/
It's like the steam forums only with far more functionality and less visual organization.
According to Wikipedia, "Discourse is ... by Jeff Atwood ... written with Ember.js and Ruby on Rails ... including features recently popularized by large social networks". Pretty well sums up the issues, I think.
Yeah Waldronate nailed it, I was brooding about it last night and it is definitely the facebooky social networky feel and style that I can't stand. You go on and it's like trying to go through a disorganized feed, except that the feed also tries to force a bunch of unconnected "popular" topics to you as well.
But unlike Facebook , you can still decide how to order the threads, they don't appear randomly. That is why I stopped to use FB, except from time to time if I'm looking for a specific person for example.
Last edited by Azélor; 05-07-2018 at 12:15 AM. Reason: misspelting a word
My Deviantart: https://vincent--l.deviantart.com/
Still unsure about the new look of BA
the new software is not using my custom css that i use do to using a black KDE desktop theme
the infinite scroll is a Pain in the rear end to use
but we will see in time ...
--- 90 seconds to Midnight ---
--- Penguin power!!! ---
Yeah, a forum I sometimes visit upgraded to it. I'm not a fan. But then I'm not really a social network person because I'm not very social. =P