Quote Originally Posted by J.Edward View Post
As a fun update to this map..
I finally got my patreon running.
It took a lot longer than I would have thought to do it too.

Man, over a year. That's disgraceful.
A sidenote, as it relates to this map in particular...
I entered this in the Atlas of Design call for entries for this year's book.
And I'm happy to say it was chosen as one of the maps to be in the 4th volume.
Yay!!! I will have more info as I have it. I am still waiting to hear more back from them about publication.
That is wonderful news John, and a bit coincidental, as i desided to try out the patreon too I am currently working on my page from last week. Making some initial art for page. I don't know when i will start it yet, but it's pending the launch . There is much more i have to learn how to set up it correctly.

Congratulations on Atlas of Design!