Looks like the north pole is still missing land in the west. Or the map is cropped?
My Deviantart: https://vincent--l.deviantart.com/
Hey Azelor.
The map isn't cropped. When viewed on a sphere the north pole is actually okay. I'll grab a screenshot tonight. Currently working out a heightmap style that I like that doesn't involve me ripping off DEM data (not that there's anything wrong with that...LOL). I know that elevation is the really the only output that's required for climate but, seems as i'm going to be looking at this map for quite a while as i work through climate i want a result that i can live with for the exercise.
Progress has been a bit stalled as I actually fell victim to this nasty flu that's going around at the moment. STAY AWAY FROM TORONTO! it's a plague pit right now. two weeks out and I'm still little more than a human shaped mass of phlegm and mucus...it's gross!
I anticipate that i should have something to show in about a couple of weeks.
Azelor, on closer inspection, you were right. The north polar landmass was JUST touching the north pole with the thinnest of connections closing in the body of water at the north pole.
I changed the outlines to give a broader margin to the land and reduce ambiguity.
Screen Shot 2017-12-16 at 12.31.43 AM.png
and the Polar view
Screen Shot 2017-12-16 at 12.34.45 AM.png
That polar pinching is a real beeyatch! I seriously need to think of a way to work on elevation at the poles. I'm thinking that I may need to work the heightmaps for those areas up in 3d space, expand the texture put to flattened layer and then cut and paste back in. either that or leave the area ambiguously ice covered....hmmmm (rubs chin in contemplation)
I'm years into drawing a detailed heightmap.. and I still avoid the polar areas. I honestly and deeply admire the way you plunge in.
For the heightmap, this might be a little too late. Or maybe unnecessary as you've done like that all along, but... are you using separate layers for separate heights? You should.. each height as a solid single-color shape. It's the only way you'll be able to change color scheme in the future, maybe even producing grayscale heightmaps and porting them to wilbur.
Hey Pixie!
I'm not working on separate layers but DON'T panic! i got it covered...LOL
I'm actually working in greyscale with a gradient map layer on top (which is super easy to change up, which i do often). I actually spend most of the time wiht the gradient turned off and just flick it on to check the range of elevations i'm at.
At the moment I'm working out the broad areas and getting the regions up to the heights they need to be at and then I will make a more detailed pass to get some nice features that should hopefully translate well for the next step which (you read my mind) will be to take the final greyscale heightmap into Wilbur and then take the Wilbur output into Gimp for the bump map.
I've got to say that I'm really impressed with the bump map filter in Gimp. Unless i've missed something i really don't think Photoshop has anything like that, at least not that easy to generate and manipulate (though i'm by no means an expert in PS, i've probably just not discovered the right filter/tool etc...)
I'm actually really enjoying this phase, it's very erm, relaxing???...LOL. a little bit of land sculpting. My opinion may well change when i have to tackle the poles but i'll cross that bridge when i get to it (soon). I think my plan of working the poles up on a globe and then flattening that material layer out SHOULD work. I figured out that using the lasso tool on a 3d object to define the area you are rendering speeds up the rendering of the strokes A LOT! before that, it was slower than frozen mollasses.
Hi all!
just wanted to let you know i'm still alive and haven't come to a mortal end at the hands of one of the worst flu seasons i've seen in over 10 years in Toronto (my husband is now a seething bag of infection....urrrrgh! WILL IT EVER END?)
I am still working on the heightmap for Aerlaan and, true to form for me, my previous statement of "just enough information to allow me to figure out climate" has fallen by the wayside. This is actually taking longer than i thought as i keep on thinking about how the relief is going to look when porten into wilbur for the texture map so, as i'm working, i'm thinking about interesting landforms etc...
i'm pretty much done with the lowlands, will be refining working on the foothills next and then, finally, the actual mountain ranges.
there is also one other reason for slow progress (hangs head in shame...) WORD TO THE WISE: DON'T BUY A PS4 VR SKYRIM BUNDLE FOR CHRISTMAS! That thing was a significant time suck until i locked it away in a drawer!!!
Anyway, that's about it for now. just wanted to reassure you guys that Aerlaan is not forgotten! FAR FROM IT!
Nice to hear you're still working on this!
And maybe some WIP previews to whet our appetite for more, so to speak?![]()
Last edited by Charerg; 02-03-2018 at 12:43 PM.
Hey PaGaN, are you sure you’re still alive? Just checking in to see where you were at with this and I see you haven’t posted in a while....Are you still working on this or have you checked yourself in?