Quote Originally Posted by Abu Lafia View Post
Great to hear you're on Patreon now John. I wish you all the best with it. In my opinon, If someone should be freed from the hardships of commisioned work to let the remarkable talent and creative juices flow freely for the greater good, it is you!
The Palace has so much detail and character and it seems to fit perfectly next to your Umi No Toride Castle map. I love that your maps have this great balance of detail/charme of your personal style and playability/functionality and to me it seems perfect for roleplaying games.
Thanks Abu
Glad to see you back around the Guild
Quote Originally Posted by Diamond View Post
VERY nice. I love the bridge and the little 'lily pond'. I call a piece successful when I can put myself there with no difficulty; I'd love to enjoy a glass of lemonade on one of those decks.
Thanks D Maybe if my insanity level increases some, I'll take a stab at the Summer Palace itself
Quote Originally Posted by Adfor View Post
This is top notch, absolutely wonderful, I could pour over the details for hours.

Thanks for sharing, J.E, I admire your work very much so.
Thanks so much Adfor
Quote Originally Posted by OldEarth View Post
That's beautiful and such a nice location choice and layout! I love even just the idea behind it - the pavilion on an island with a winding dock surrounding water garden, the stone stairs cut out of the island rock. Wow!

Also those roof tiles!
hehe, yes, the roof tiles were a chore.
Thanks OldEarth