Quote Originally Posted by Elterio Delgard View Post
Wow, I really enjoy how you did the islands really close to the coast and how logical it sounds. Actually you are making me rethink how to plan the "coast island belts'' if I can express myself in a clear way. What I mean is how you have lots of tiny islands following the irregular frontiere seperating the land and the sea body. Also, your rivers taught me how a hand drawn map does not catch all the subtle elevations which can lead a river to twist around the coast and not necessarily simply going inland.
Thanks Eltario
Interestingly, I was not very good with perspective or iso maps early on and tended to do mostly top down maps.
I did a lot of contour line maps and then elevation maps like this.
That really taught me a lot about where water would flow.
It also gave me some good ideas about how and where some islands might form.
Or rather, where islands would be based on the water level.
So if you had land rise from a mountain chain or series of hills and it went off into the sea...
or the sea level rose, then you'd have various islands all along the coast.
Plus I look at a lot of satellite images and see that happen quite a lot.
Water does do some interesting things. Not always what you'd expect.
But the more you know your elevations, the easier it is to predict it.