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Thread: *** July 2018 Challenge: Son of the Fantasy Random Generator ***

  1. #1
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Boonsboro MD, USA

    Default *** July 2018 Challenge: Son of the Fantasy Random Generator ***

    Yes, it's that time once again: for the third July in a row, one of the Guild's favorites has returned.

    For this challenge, the participants will be mapping random locations. It could be anything from a library in a country estate, to a mountain pass, to an entire realm of forests and seas. What you're going to do is visit this generator:

    Leave the settings just like they are, and generate a list of 10 locations. First results shown don't have to count, since you automatically generate a list just clicking the link.

    Now here's the challenge: you can only pick one location from that list, and you can only generate ONE list (besides the one that's made clicking the link). Obviously this is unenforceable, so we'll rely on the spirit of chivalrous competition here to keep everyone honest.

    Other than that small requirement, it's all yours. Interpret your selection however you want, map it however you want - the voters, in their wisdom, will decide the winner. You can map as much or as little as you want, but your map must contain AT MINIMUM the prompt you chose. If my topic is "A mysterious bridge in an Elven city", I'd have to map at least the bridge, but could also choose to map the entire city around it. An exception is that if you choose one of the Plane/World selections, you don't have to map the entire thing; you can just do a representative part of it, like a regional map.

    As always, the two BIG things to remember are:
    1. Title your thread: July 2018 Challenge: < your title would go here >
    2. Always remember to put this tag in front of your work-in-progress pics: ### Latest WIP ###
    Number two is especially important - if the image scraper can't find your map because you didn't include that tag, no one will be able to see it when voting time comes around.

    This contest will end on or around Tuesday, July 31st, probably around 9PM Pacific time. The winner will receive a Golden Compass and yet another bucket of envy-drool from his or her peers.

    Good luck and happy mapping!

  2. #2
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Jul 2009
    Boonsboro MD, USA


    Additional note: You don't have to post your list if you don't want to, but feel free to do so anyway. Some of the results are hilarious, like Bogie's notorious Elven Brothel.

  3. #3
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
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    Maine, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by Diamond View Post
    Additional note: You don't have to post your list if you don't want to, but feel free to do so anyway. Some of the results are hilarious, like Bogie's notorious Elven Brothel.
    Okay, here's what I got with the generator, and there it is, # 6, another brothel.... I sense the universe laughing at me.
    July Challenge-RandomLocations.JPG

  4. #4


    By Bogie
    Okay, here's what I got with the generator, and there it is, # 6, another brothel.... I sense the universe laughing at me.
    I also note that this brothel is located between two lordly suites... coincidence?

    I probably won't have the time for this, but out of curiosity, I got this.
    Screenshot_2018-07-05 donjon; Fantasy Random Generator.png
    And strangely (or not?), it's brothel-free .

  5. #5


    Oh no... it's that time again
    I have so little time just now, but I must try.
    I love this challenge. It's so good.
    I hope we get a ton of entries again.

    I got such good options just from clicking the link, i'm gonna use those choices.
    I think I already know which one I'll use.

    I too am brothel-free, though we have a possibly suspect lady's chamber in there
    Who can say what the ladies get up to in far Rithelm.

    I'm leaning toward number 9 - that sounds pretty darn cool.

  6. #6


    Somewhere amidst an azure sea? Thanks for the specifics, random generator. =P

    Leaning towards number nine myself.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  7. #7
    Guild Expert Greason Wolfe's Avatar
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    Assuming work and the minor surgeries I have scheduled over the next month don't interfere I am gonna give this a shot. Can't get a screen capture from my phone but I got...

    A watch tower in the town of Mistone in a distant kingdom.

    Had 3 brothels in my generated list.

    One's worth is not measured by stature, alone. By heart and honor is One's true value weighed.

    Current Non-challenge WIP : Beyond Sosnasib
    Current Lite Challenge WIP : None
    Current Main Challenge WIP : None
    Completed Maps : Various Challenges

  8. #8


    I'm rather new, and I was gonna wait for a Lite Challenge that sparked my interest; but I clicked on the generator and I got so many ideas from number 4. So hey, I'll try this challenge and see what happens ^-^

    Fantasy Generator.PNG

  9. #9
    Guild Artisan Guild Supporter Tenia's Avatar
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    Dec 2016


    OK oK no time like all of you, here is my first shot, I've even didn't read it :

  10. #10
    Guild Master Chashio's Avatar
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    Maine, USA


    Hmm... if I have time I think I may go with number nine. We'll see.

    Capture 01.PNG

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