Quote Originally Posted by MistyBeee View Post
I wonder... It's a few months since I started thinking about it... could I take the 59 ? I won't be fast, but I would be glad to be there
Absolutely. I am eager to see what you will do.
Quote Originally Posted by Wingshaw View Post
Yeah, I've decided to stake a claim, too. Could I get #60?

Yes sir, you may do that.
Quote Originally Posted by ThomasR View Post
You guys are giving me the itch to go on with mine but time is so scarce ...
Get on it mister. ;P You need to do this thing... while I'm still young enough to see it.
Quote Originally Posted by Voolf View Post
With you latest skills improvements i would love to see world section from you
I know, right. Keep poking him... maybe he'll do it.