Quote Originally Posted by Voolf View Post
This map is an absolute blast. I think i said it before, that this reminds me so much of a Viking maps. Really beautiful work.
Thanks Voolf. Viking's work is such an inspiration for me

Quote Originally Posted by J.Edward View Post
This is a gorgeous piece of work George
Greta job. It came out beautifully.
Thanks John I'm glad you like it

Quote Originally Posted by The Mad King View Post
Mother of all that is holy....

Wow. Just... wow.

I so wish I could be even half as good. this is freakin' awesome work.

You don't... by chance... have a tut hiding anywhere do you?

Love your work, big time. Thank you so much for sharing!!

Thank you TMK. I'm afraid I don't have a tutorial for this as I was mostly making it up as I went along - that's why it took so long, I guess I do remember that I painted most of the mountains, hills and coastlines a single pixel at a time, zooming in and out to get it right, and adding layer after layer after layer after layer...

Patience was the key, I guess. Lots and lots of patience

Quote Originally Posted by jbgibson View Post
Very nice indeed. I think those are some of best looking foothills I’ve seen at the Guild.
Thanks JBGibson. I really wanted to give the hills and mountains a realistic look to them. I'm glad you think it works.

Quote Originally Posted by MistyBeee View Post
The whole map is absolutely stunning, I can't stop looking at those mountains ! But my heart goes for this cartouche
Thank you Misty I was a bit concerned that the cartouche would be over-complicated and not fit the map, so I'm happy that you like it

Quote Originally Posted by fol2dol View Post
I second Beee on the mountains and the coat of arms. This is amazing.
Thanks fol2dol

Quote Originally Posted by Eilathen View Post
Yep, this is a true beauty! I love the mountains and hills, those are the best features of this work, imo. But the rest is also very good. The coloring, the overall vibe. A very lovely piece.
The only minor thing for me are the forests...in a piece with this good a standard, they do not measure up, imo. But as said, this is a minor thing (or in other words : complaining on a very high level ).

If i can, i'll Rep you.

I hope to see more works from you in this style!
Thanks Eilathen. I know what you mean about the forests: I was never quite happy with them myself. I was very tempted to just scatter millions of tiny green dots all over the map to represent forests, but that never quite looked right either.
