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Thread: July 2018 Challenge: Elion: Dead Risen in the Shadows of the Woodlands

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    Small update just to get those unsightly blobs replaced with something better. I've added in Elion's dark, brooding coniferous forests and those cratered battlefields mentioned in the previous post. Those battlefields, being largely useless land (and often roamed by feral undead and lacking any sources of food for the living besides) often are features through which treaty borders between different vying lands are formed. Some individual notes about them follow:

    In the west one can see the Badlands of Brethst, the remains of the great conflicts fought between Aleveri in its great valley north of the blasted lowlands and the Bone Throne of Knosprith in the coastal region to the south.

    A long, deep canyon gouged in the earth is left from a battle in a past age of Elion, known as the Lethemar Rift.

    The singularly vast crater in the south and the destroyed lands around it are known as the Tempest's Rage. So thoroughly disintegrated much of what was once here is that winds coming off the ocean can unpredictably whip up storms of stinging, stony grit. Tales from those who have tried to explore it over the years have reported having strange hallucinations when within the crater itself.

    In the north, the ruined battlefields mark where Evanth created and maintains a militarized border warding off the Hollow People of Ulsk who lie to the north of the region. It is obvious when one nears the Ulsk side of the border, as the weathered and broken standing stones that remain of Evanthi soldiers - a common hazard of fighting or dealing with the Hollow People, and one that threatens living and undead alike - become more common, in some placed arrayed out almost like troops still in formation.

    Another notable feature that can also be seen now is the Red Island. Not only are the trees of its forests red, but the ocean waters near it carry a bloody tinge as well. This is the sum total of what is known about it in Elion, as all the reports come from vessels that did not approach too near the island.

    ### Latest WIP ###

    Edit: And thanks Diamond; I'm glad the lore I blather around my maps is enjoyable. (I always get so wrapped up in my update posts I forget to respond to previous posts like I intend to.)
    Last edited by AzureWings; 07-09-2018 at 08:24 PM.

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