Quote Originally Posted by Koleeflour View Post
Ill definitely have to look into these options. Any of you guys got screenshots of your fonts in use? Just wanna get a gauge of how they look in practice using this method. It should save me a hell of a lot of time ngl
I can't remember the one I used to make my font. The template did have guide squares and stuff though and it looked a lot like Calligraphr that Kelleri suggested. So with some work, I think it might be suitable. I just hand drew it all with my tablet pen, but you could carefully do it I suppose. The thing still needs to "vectorize" the whole thing though which is where I imagine the inaccuracies will come in.

For my quick results, here is a preview. And here is the true type font. And I suppose for legal purposes, for my silly lerbian script font I grant Creative Commons CC BY license but why would anyone use it. =P

Kelleri would probably better be placed showing her results with making a conlang font. I haven't turned my own into a proper typeface yet. (so I'm curious myself)