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Thread: B&W Small New England Town Map Request

  1. #1

    Question B&W Small New England Town Map Request


    So, I'm publishing my indie novel and it requires an interior B&W map of the fictitious town it takes place in, Gilead, New Hampshire. The map also needs to show the roadblocks where the exit points from the town have been cut off, because the town is under siege. Gilead is directly and I mean directly based on the town in (slightly) upstate New York where I grew up. As a placeholder, I took a screenshot of Google Maps displaying that region, and crudely marked the position of the roadblocks and redacted the name of the real town, in Paint.NET. Between that crude placeholder, the novel itself (which the cartographer will receive early access to), and my extensive knowledge of the read down Gilead is based on (I'll be available), one should have everything they need to create the map.

    In terms of compensation, contact me, name a price and if it's reasonable I'm happy to pay it. And obviously you will receive appropriate credit in the book itself. Previous samples of your B&W map work would be appreciated.

    Thank you,
    - Devon Oratz
    Invisible Inc. Publishing
    Last edited by Invisible Inc.; 08-04-2018 at 10:32 PM. Reason: Job was taken couldn't figure out how to modify tag in thread title.

  2. #2
    Guild Expert DanielHasenbos's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    The Netherlands


    Hey Devon,

    I might be interested in this project. You can have a look at my portfolio to get an impression of my work and if you are interested you can contact me at info [at] danielsmaps [dot] com.

    I hope to hear from you soon.


  3. #3
    Guild Adept AntonioFrade's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Ferrol, Coruña, Spain, Earth, Solar System


    Hey Devon,

    I could be interested in the project. Here you have some samples of my latest works::

    Let me know if you are interested in my services. You can reach me at: info -at- versakestudio -dot- com


    Antonio Frade

  4. #4


    This commission has been taken. Thanks, guys.

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