Quote Originally Posted by Ilanthar View Post
The fact you did this "dream made map" in a short amount of time is one more reason why it's more than a deserved award .
Thanks Ilanthar
It definitely went faster than I would have thought.
Quote Originally Posted by jesterman View Post
I find this map very interesting and quite incredible! The vivid inspiration behind it is incredible. I want to know if you plan on expanding this map in any way, maybe even throwing in some subtaeranian mapping systems. What plans to you have for this map so far? It seems like it could have lot's of potential
I did plan to do more with this world.
I have a whole multiverse of story things and not nearly enough time to work on them all.
But yes, this was supposed to tie in with two other story concepts.
Quote Originally Posted by Tom View Post
This is a piece of art more than a map, very original and colorful! your linework are always stunning John!
Thank you Tom