Thanks, Jo!

The Thumbnail Gallery for the regular challenge is now up to date, so you can catch up on all the winners back to 2007. See them here.

Two small points...

Our winner in Sept 2007 posted a whole series of maps for the challenge, and they're all hosted on Photobucket, so that one doesn't show in the thumbnails, and I'm not really sure which map would be classed as the winner anyway (I tried sticking the winner tag on the last entry, but it didn't work).

Also, in Aug 2015 we had a challenge where people were asked to create a tutorial. We had two winners that month: Francissimo and Pixie. Francissimo's entry shows, as it's an image. Pixie's winning entry ("From a collage of bits of DEM's to a modern looking Contour-Map") doesn't show because it was a PDF, but you can see it here.

Aside from those two, everything should be there. If anything seems off, let me know.

I'll get the Lite Challenge threads updated over the next couple of weeks, and they'll be added to the same gallery. I'll post again when that's done.