Quote Originally Posted by Meshon View Post
This is beautiful. The showpiece trees are wonderful, and the border/title work is meticulous. Your work is inspiring and just really really delightful to look at, we're lucky to have you here!

Thanks Meshon I really appreciate that.
Quote Originally Posted by Diego Malatesta View Post
Wow, amazing! Love the colors, the details, and the frame that becomes the title. Really wonderful work!
Thank you Diego
Quote Originally Posted by Kellerica View Post
Gorgeous as usual, J. The frame and the leaf decorations are beyond beautiful. I always love the organic green hues you use!
Thank you Kell
That frame kind of got a little crazy and ran away with itself. ;P
Quote Originally Posted by - JO - View Post
Splendid map ! Great work ! Espcially on those mountains ! And what to say about this border ??? amazing seems a poor choice of words !
Thanks JO
I spent a long time, in the past, working on trees.
Now I'm focused a lot on rocks and mountains.
Quote Originally Posted by Ilanthar View Post
A splendid frame that is also a title, a compass, and a scale ? Great and neat idea!!!
And the rest of the map is equally full of awesomeness (:.
Hehehe, I didn't even think about how it was all of those things
Thanks Ilanthar I'm glad this orphan finally got completed.
There are so many maps still waiting in line. ;p
Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
Saw this on FB, but couldn't comment on it :O

Gorgeous again, John.... and the map, of course
Thanks you Mouse
I've encountered a few things on FB that I can't comment on either.
A few times it was one of my own that I shared to a group.
That was sort of frustrating, and counter-productive.
Quote Originally Posted by Tonquani View Post
This is splendid work John! Reminds me a bit of the Island of the Sleepy Dragon too.
Thanks Tonquani
It is definitely of the same style. Sleepy Dragon was actually done after a large part of Isle of Ynes was already drawn out.
And it shares some other traits with Skenara and Ynes - similar paper and color scheme/technique.