Quote Originally Posted by bkh1914 View Post
I'm glad to see that you again have enough free time to enter a challenge.

I must say that your choice of helium mining is curious...
- Mostly because helium is usually a gas. (boiling and freezing points near absolute zero)
- And it's very abundant in space. (second most abundant element in the universe)

Looking forward to further developments...
I chose helium for two reasons: (1) We were binging Parks & Rec while I was working on the map, and it happened to be the episode where Ron Swanson says, "Stop wasting that helium; it is intended for welding and filling airships!" and (2) Just before the holiday weekend I had to deal with an issue that revolved around the current helium shortage here on Earth.

At the moment, federal holidays are basically the only time that work doesn't interfere with everything. I'm glad I was able to put this together over the holiday weekend! Hopefully I'll have time to make some tweaks here and there.

Quote Originally Posted by Bogie View Post
It's because they discovered a rare form of crystalline helium that is radioactive and can generate immense quantities of energy. It is safe as long as it doesn't come into contact with liquid oxygen.

Welcome to the challenge aeshnidae, very interesting concept.
Or what Bogie said!

Quote Originally Posted by MistyBeee View Post
Yey, I love your sci-fi maps !
I just... don't want to be there right now... I can feel the stress and fear just by looking those red touches
Thanks, MistyBeee! And yes, it's a bad day at Crater Base Eldron 4. I haven't figured out what went wrong, or what happened to the 2,313 people who live there (assuming that 1 life form is a crater base resident and not the cause of the problem).