That's a very cool map. Really good map wise.

As it is a WIP I'll give you some critiques without really know where you plan on going, so take them with a grain of salt. I kind of wish you had utilized more anti-aliasing or soft lines etc. to get rid of the pixilation on some of the line edges. Second it bothers me that some things (like the roads or the river) end in the margins, instead of either ending at the border or going all the way to the edges.

One other thing to consider is how they get their food, I'm assuming it's a largely a fish diet, and they could import grains and etcetera if they had a particular sort of wealth generator, but there still might be farms or orchards around. Also quite likely is a logging industry (for which you might also consider a ship building industry depending on it's era and location. In the maritime provinces and Quebec in Canada what they used to do was make big timber ships, stuff the hold full of big timber also, and ship it to England that way, whence they'd generally break down the ship on the other side. But that is more likely when the ports are far apart).