So, returning to your points Falconius:

Swartsund is located 68 degrees north and about 26 west. Itīs very meager, a kind of Tundra and coniferous woodland around. In the summer we have a maximum of six hours of sun and in winter we have no sun at all for months.
Maximum temperature in July is up to 16 Celsius, minimum is about 7 Celsius and in winter (February) we have max. -3 and min. -10 Celsius. Swartsund has about max. 4 months up to 10 Celsius and more. So in fact, those who live in Swartsund, they have a special life there.

For rough orientation see:

Attachment 57540

Swartsund was founded because itīs at the mouth of river Swartbrus, coming from the North. The Swartbrus is a river with volcano-warmed-up water and itīs flowing through the Great Northern Volcano Town of Betwingar and the Great Black Castle. In and around Betwingar, we have the winter-silver mines and about 90% of this most valuable metal was digged out oft he ground there. This makes the Swartbrus Valley an important route fort he precious metal trade for the world.

The Valley is protected by six fortresses (one each 10 to 15 miles) and if you are traveling from Swartsund to Betwingar (or the other direction), you will need six days of walk for this distance. You better plan to reach the next fortress in order to warm up, eat and sleep there and to protect from the worst weather conditions.
Swartsund ist he southernmost point of this journey and there is loceted the „Erste Morgaveste“, the first oft the six fortresses. The „Erste Moraveste“ or the „Swartveste) is manned with 128 men oft he Betwingar Legion and they monitor the estuary, the events in the harbor and the entry and exit of the ships.

In Swartsund the journey starts or ends and so, there are living the fortress crews and those, who work for the foreign trade legations, f.e. at the port or the tavern or as traveling guards fort he way to the North.

Swartsund is strategically very important and itīs the biggest transshipment port for Winter-Silver. The fortress crews and the inhabitants have no time to farm, even though a few can still grow a few things on the barren soil and in the inhospitable weather and do some private livestock. The things of daily life usually have to be imported here but the strangers and the winter silver have made the place rich, so that there is seldom any need for distress here – what doesnīt mean, Swartsund is the chosen town for the rich and the beautiful ��