It's a nice work here, Viking ! I love how easy it is to imagine people living here, especially in isolated houses ^^
There is a few notes I made to myself : firstly, it's unusual to see a town without a river or important water source. There is this great quote from Terry Pratchett who said about towns that the first thing to think is "how does the **** get out, and the clean water get in". And Terry Pratchett is always right ^^. Secondly, maybe it would be great to add some bigger fields and pastures for cows, sheeps, etc., which are an important aspect of medieval villages/towns needs.
The last one is maybe a personal taste, but I would not have drawn the forest outline along the border of the parchment, as the forest probably don't have this rectangular shape ^^
I look forward to see your next maps : I have the feeling you'll have a lot to show !