Quote Originally Posted by - JO - View Post
As I said on FB : this is really fine art !!!
Thank you so much JO
Quote Originally Posted by Voolf View Post
Can only agree with JO
Thanks Voolf
Quote Originally Posted by Falconius View Post
Great looking city. Beautifully done.
Thank you Falconius
Quote Originally Posted by MistyBeee View Post
It looks really stunning. I love how "simple" () it is : just your amazing line work is enough, and amazing.
But most of all, I'm happy to read and see you're also taking time for yourself for once
Thank you Beee.
Yes, I need to take more time for non-work life... which i often don't.
I'm fighting some big deadlines right now.
Quote Originally Posted by MapMappingMapped View Post
Really great map! Top down maps always make me think I can do it, and then I try and rip up the paper the next day...
Thank you MMM
You can do it. It's a skill anyone can do.
My suggestion, how i started this, is to start with single buildings.
Do top down versions and get used to doing those.
Then add several buildings. Then add more.
It grows and you get used to doing more and more.