Quote Originally Posted by ChickPea View Post
Can't help with your scanning issues unfortunately, but this is a lovely piece. I do like the slightly less saturated version in the photo.
Thanks! I agree, I think the less saturated version is if not more pleasing, more true to the source material and such.

Quote Originally Posted by bkh1914 View Post
As ChickPea said, a lovely piece.

I had a similar issue when I first started using my current scanner.
The default scanning mode is 'Document' and the scanner was 'helping' me by sharpening the lines and increasing the contrast / saturation.
I switched to 'Photograph' mode now it's hard to see a difference between the original and the image that's on my screen.
I'll have to look into that, for now I've been using a school scanner- I'll see if I can fiddle with the setting a bit. Thanks for the tip!