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Thread: Need map idea

  1. #1

    Default Need map idea

    I want to make a map for practice, but I don't want to do one of my own worlds (it shall be a4) and so I decided to ask the Guild for ideas. Any fantasy worlds that could fit into a4 format? If I map something without an idea of what it is, it will be a catastrophe. So, what do you think could be fun to map? Thanks in advance!

  2. #2


    Hi MMM

    I think you can see into my collection of prototype worlds in one of my private albums. You can use one of them if you like?

  3. #3


    Thanks for replying! I'd love to Mouse - where can I find them?

  4. #4


    This is a private album because it contains a proto-world I have reserved as an alternative to the current version of Errispa, so only a handful of people will be able to see into it. You are among them.

    The one I have reserved is number 36. You can use any of the others. Just let me know which one you want (if they are the kind of thing you want), and I will make sure it doesn't get used for anything else.

  5. #5


    They are all equirectangular projections. If you want to change the projection its not too hard. I made them a very long time ago, and I may not have the original FT3 files available any more, but they can still be converted in G.Projector if necessary.

  6. #6


    Thanks again Mouse, but I can't access it somehow. ''invalid album specified'', it says...

  7. #7



    Sorry MMM - I thought we had already become friends!

    Sent you an invite. It should work if you accept

  8. #8


    I did These coastlines are impressive! Thanks Mouse, but I'm looking for maps that are fleshed out, with cities and rivers and kingdoms, from novels/games. Still, thanks again!

  9. #9



    I see

    Sorry - can't help you there.

    If you take a fancy to any of the ones that aren't reserved for some other reason in the future, just let me know and I'll mark it as reserved for you

  10. #10


    Sure - and thanks!

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