Quote Originally Posted by Kellerica View Post
Hm, maybe I just didn't look close enough then. If that is the case, my apologies ^^ Love the work you've done on these designs either way!

Edit: Yeah, I apparently have a pair of plastic balls for eyes! So sorry, I'll just be placing my order and shutting up now...
No worries. I am a seller and even I had trouble with their new changes to the user interface.
It's not as user friendly as their previous one. The color choices were not obvious.
Quote Originally Posted by Kellerica View Post
I have to say, all of this is really making me want to design my own as well...
You should. You have great design skilss, so I think you'd make some cool designs.
And then you too can wear your own tees
It's surprisingly satisfying.
Quote Originally Posted by - JO - View Post
You know me : Castles.... Castles and dragons !!!!
(A dragon breathing fire on a castle map ????... sorry....)
Oh, well, you are in luck. I have a dragon design coming up. Actually, more than one.
There's a nice dragon compass rose thing in the works.