okay well i am just not getting what i want out of the editor anyway so i have changed the idea now i am looking at something like Helms Deep and Minas Tirith. but instead of it being on a jutting out portion of the mountain the city is expanding into the mountain thanks to dwarven quarries and mines. so the city will consist of three main features the mountains to the north west with a forest that runs along the mountains. the forest is magically maintained so not to run out of wood for building and heating and cooking, maintained by the elves. the final section is basically a flat area where crops and butcherable animals are, to the south west and to the northeast and south east are the basic living areas for everyone who is not an elf or dwarf. in the center of the city is going to be a large area where the citizens cane gather and will be the sacrificial location to power the summoning spell.

so my next question is, what size population would be good for a large city that is maintainable for an area of about 100 square miles of magically maintained farmlands? the farm lands generate four harvests per year.