Quote Originally Posted by Greg View Post
Really nice job on this, Dan. I'm getting the Max vibes too, but with plenty of Dan in there too!

Love the landshape, elegant border, and clear symbols.
Thank you Greg!

Quote Originally Posted by Kellerica View Post
Heh, I very much relate with Kacey here; I too feel like I'm completely out of things to say Your maps are a pleasure to behold every single time. Yet another great one for the portfolio!
Thank Kell!

Quote Originally Posted by ThomasR View Post
I really love the map and as someone said, you are really roaming near Max's level and with a style that's totally yours, kudos for that !
'Roaming near Max's level'? Thank you so much Thomas!

Quote Originally Posted by Voolf View Post
Outstanding job with this one Daniel.
Cheers Voolf!

Quote Originally Posted by ChickPea View Post
Gorgeous map, Daniel, and I too can see the Max influence.

It's a minor thing overall, but I absolutely love how you've done the coastline with the bright, speckled water effect. It works so well and contrasts beautifully with the blue water.

Can't rep.
Thanks ChickPea! Happy to hear those small details work!